In our house, my wife is the fire starter. Matches, newspaper, logs – these are the tools of her trade. As winter descends, she will perch herself upon the family hearth and dazzle our children with her stunning ability to bring forth heat, comfort and light from the strike of a single match. She fans, she puffs, she tosses kindling about like playing cards at a Vegas casino. She will not settle for a small patch of flames – nothing less than a roaring inferno will do. She is unafraid. She is a fire starter. And so is our God.
2 Tim 1:6b,7 “…Fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”
God, through the Apostle Paul, started a spark in the heart of a young man named Timothy. And in today’s text, the Holy Spirit gives Timothy the directive to approach the spiritual ember within him and fan it into flame that will burn brightly for the King.
Our God is a fire starter and has called us to embrace the family trade. He has placed within each of His followers a spark that has the ability to bring forth comfort and light to the world around us. Do not douse that spark with the water of fear and timidity. Do not quench the flame in your soul with trepidation and self-conscious insecurities. Do not hold back in your service to Christ. Throw a log on the fire! Go for it.
What is it that makes you want to simply sit in the pew and keep your head down and your mouth shut?
It’s not God.
What is it that makes you want to keep your talents and passions to yourself?
It’s not God.
What is it that makes you think you have so little to offer the kingdom?
It’s not God.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Fan the spark, blow on the embers, add the spiritual kindling of time spent in God’s word and prayer. Do not settle for a small patch of flames – nothing less than a holy blaze will do. Be unafraid. Through holiness and service- be a fire starter.
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